Equine Massage, Bodywork, Craniosacral Therapy, and Acupressure for optimal Equine Wellness.


Michelle Lebling Camp uses an integrative and comprehensive approach that utilizes a combination of modalities that depend on the unique personality of the horse, the conditions that the horse presents, and their reactions to each technique. 

Sessions are customized to each horse depending on what the horse communicates. Equine Massage, Bodywork, Craniosacral Therapy and Acupressure are most successful when a horse is in a relaxed state, so their para-sympathetic nervous system can do what it does best naturally: Rest, Digest, and Repair the body. 

Michelle has a very intuitive nature from a lifetime of experience with horses and she can read each horse as they communicate with their eyes, ears, mouth, posture, and personality.

To get the full benefits of releasing deep stress from muscles, connective tissues and the three main junctions of the body, this work cannot be rushed and must be done at each horse’s unique pace.


Equine Athlete Services

  • Equine Sport Massage Therapy

    Equine massage involves hands-on work with the use of fingers, hands, arms, and tools to gently manipulate the muscles and soft tissues in therapeutic ways. The goal is to keep your horse’s muscles unrestricted so there is adequate blood flow for all functions of the horse, especially for optimal performance, healing, recovery, and repair. When muscle fibers stick together, they can produce knots that reduce blood supply, cause tension and can promote injury. Massage therapy increases blood flow, promotes healing, freedom of movement, emotional, and physical wellness.

  • Craniosacral Therapy

    Discovered by Dr. William Sutherland over 100 years ago, this gentle modality helps relieve tension in the central nervous system and promotes a feeling of well-being by eliminating pain and boosting health and immunity. Craniosacral Therapy is used to promote and restore optimal craniosacral rhythm of the nervous system and rebalances the skeletal structure. This massage-like modality can be beneficial for cribbers, head shaking, TMJ pain, head trauma, mouthiness, nervousness and overall well-being.

  • Myofascial Release

    Like the human body, your horse has a three-dimensional connective tissue web that holds the body together and acts as a shock absorber. Fascia is the tissue that surrounds and infuses every muscle, bone, organ, nerve blood vessel, tendon, and ligament in the body. Healthy, well-maintained fascia glides smoothly under the skin and plays a crucial role in soundness, mobility, and function of the entire body of the horse. Myofascial Release is a comprehensive holistic approach that restores the necessary slack in the connective tissue to help eliminate fascial restrictions, to enhance the comfort and performance of the equine athlete.

  • Acupressure

    Based on ancient Chinese medicine, this gentle energetic massage technique is profoundly powerful and a wonderful alternative for sensitive horses that may not prefer Equine Sport Massage. Horses have a complex Energy Highway of twelve major Meridians linked to their internal organs by their CHI or life-promoting force flowing throughout the body. Acupressure has consistently been proven to: strengthen muscles, tendons and joints, release natural cortisone to reduce swelling and inflammation, increase blood flow and endorphins to improve energy, and relieve pain and anxiety.

These are happy horses!

It may look like shouting, yawning, or complete boredom, but these are the faces of relief, with anxiety, tension, and pain flowing out of the body. When horses experience deep relaxation, their parasympathetic nervous system takes over and does what it was created to do—REST, DIGEST AND HEAL.

Common signs of releasing tension are licking, chewing, yawning, sneezing and scratching their legs or abdominals.

Releasing tension, anxiety and pain = HAPPY HORSES!

“Michelle is a fantastic Masseuse! She has made incredible improvements with my very sensitive horse. Since starting his massages, he is happier and more relaxed. Would definitely recommend!”

—Margaret Ball