The love goes
both ways.

What clients have to say about Michelle’s care…

Praise about Michelle’s work:

  • “Nothing short of a magic touch.”

    “Michelle’s passion and dedication, along with her sensitivity and talent, have all served to enhance the incredible deep-tissue massage work within our Barn. Our many show/performance horses, both young and old, are having excellent results. Michelle’s knowledge and instincts guide her to identify key areas of need, which net tremendous improvements in the horse’s overall well-being. Nothing short of a Magic Touch.”

    — Kevin Bruce & Holly Chester, owners and trainers at CB Farm

  • “I would highly recommend her work.”

    “I have been very impressed with improvements Michelle’s massages have had on my 20-year old Holsteiner. He had a long career as an adult jumper and I am now trying to extend his comfort level and riding days as long as possible. I am confident that these massages are helping his neck, back and hindquarters feel better each week. He has also been less girthy due to her work on his pectoral muscles. I would highly recommend her work!”

    —Rhoni Rakos

  • “Excellent diagnostic provider...”

    “Michelle has worked on both of my Quarter horses several times. The reaction they both display reveals the relief she provides them. She is also an excellent diagnostic provider with her knowledge of anatomy. I can definitely recommend Michelle!”

    —Anne Bolen

  • “Her gentle touch is quite remarkable.”

    “I didn’t really appreciate how much my 21-year old horse benefited from Michelle’s work until I watched her work a couple of times. The relaxation and suppleness she is able to achieve with her gentle touch is quite remarkable. I have been able to incorporate some of her techniques into my time tacking him up for rides and it makes for a more enjoyable experience for both me and Halo.”

    —Ellie Langdon

  • “I immediately noticed how my horse responded to her touch and presence.”

    “I first met Michelle during a casual barn conversation. She offered some suggestions for my horse’s minor injury and talked me through the Meridians of a horse. I immediately noticed how my horse responded to her touch and presence. Our relationship was sealed that day. Michelle is an extremely talented equine therapist. She is insightful, receptive to the horses’ behavior, provides updates to the owner and has become a valuable partner in my horse’s wellness!”

    —Suzanne Wilson

  • “She brings her caring, gentle and kind personality to all the lucky horses in her care.”

    “I’ve known Michelle and her family for many years. She brings her caring, gentle and kind personality to all the lucky horses in her care. My Cooper feels better every day as a result of Michelle’s work on him. I highly recommend her!”

    —Phoebe Manders

“Michelle has nothing
short of a magic touch.”

—Kevin Bruce & Holly Chester, owners and trainers at CB Farm

  • “Since starting his massages, my horse is happier and more relaxed.

    “Michelle is a fantastic Masseuse! She has made incredible improvements with my very sensitive horse. Since starting his massages, he is happier and more relaxed. Would definitely recommend!”

    —Margaret Ball

  • “She is doing wonders for my retired show hunter.”

    “Absolutely love working with Michelle! She is doing wonders for my retired show hunter who has some arthritis and general stiffness. Michelle is the absolute best!”

    —Emily Abbruzzi

  • “Michelle has helped Mouse get back to his 10-year old self.”

    “Michelle’s massages have done wonders for my 24 OTTB! He’s had numerous injuries during his career, which, naturally, caused him to go around stiff. Michelle has helped Mouse get back to his 10-year old self. Myself and my trainers and amazed by his performance lately, undoubtedly a product of Michelle’s expert care. We saw differences after just one session and continue to see progress the more Michelle works with him!”

    —Livi Baldwin

  • "My Holsteiner is feeling younger and more energetic each day!”

    “100% recommend Michelle’s Equine Athlete Massages. My 24-year old Holsteiner was tight muscled and sore before Michelle started working on him and now he is feeling younger and more energetic each day! We both thank you very much for your services 💕.”

    —Margaret Wolf

  • “Michelle helped my horse Solly relax into a new life after I bought him at an auction.”

    “Michelle helped my horse Solly relax into a new life after I bought him at an auction. He was untrusting and emotionally closed up, but Michelle was patient and got big results from him. I think it made a huge difference in his transition and I plan to continue having her work with him as we transition to training. Thank You Michelle!”

    —Traci B.

  • “Michelle is always ready to share what she is learning about your horse and enlist you as a partner...”

    “Michelle really listens to my horses and lets each of them tell her where they need her attention. I love the fact that she has learned multiple bodywork approaches, so she can use what best suits an individual horse. Best of all, Michelle is always ready to share what she is learning about your horse and enlist you as a partner in carrying out stretches that can prolong the good results. I highly recommend her services!”

    —Karen A.